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Car crash victim upset charges against possible driver dropped


A Milwaukee woman who was hit by a car suffered brain damage, and now has parts of her skull missing. She dealing with an uncertain future, and the fact that the person who hit her won't be charged.

37-year-old Lori Bean wears a helmet for safety and hid the injury underneath. Doctors had to remove parts of her skull to save her from more brain damage.

Bean was hit by a car after leaving The People's Lounge at 34th and Burleigh shortly after bar time. She's recovering from injuries to her back and ribs, and uses a walker for longer distances.

Bean does homework given by Froedtert Hospital to help with her memory loss, but she still struggles with remembering some things.

Bean doesn't remember the night of the accident, but has been told she did have an altercation with a man in the bar. She wonders if he was somehow involved in her accident.

Police did arrest a 35-year-old man, but he was released. Charges for hit and run were dropped by the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office.

To say Bean is angry is an understatement. She says, "I wish I knew what to do. If I could get out of here and get in my car and go down to the district attorney and anywhere right now I would."

In the meantime Bean will focus on recovery.

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